Friday, April 23, 2010

Classic Crepes

Classic Crepes
My mum used to make me these crepes when I was young for Shrove Tuesday, which is Pancake day in the UK. I always wished she would make them on other days of the year, and I don't know why she didn't, but I guess it made them more special. I have fun memories of tossing pancakes in the air trying to flip them over. She used to sprinkle mine with sugar (and I say sprinkle lightly because she didnt lol). And a big blob of strawberry jam. I still eat mine this way today and now I can make them whenever I want!

4 eggs
1 1/3 cups milk
2 tbsp butter, melted
1 cup all purpose flour
½ tsp salt, if desired
2 tbsp sugar (omit if making savory crepes)

In a medium bowl, beat eggs slightly. Add the remaining ingredients and beat until smooth. Probably best to add the flour slowly. They say to let the batter sit for a couple of hours in the refrigerater but I don't know how necessary it is. Alton Brown doesn't think it is! And I've never noticed a difference. 

Heat crepe pan or 7 to 8-inch skillet over medium-high heat. A few drops of water sprinkled on the pan sizzle and bounce when heat is just right. Grease pan lightly with butter. Pour scant ¼-1/3 cup batter into the pan, tilting it to spread evenly. When the crepe is light brown and set, turn to brown other side. Fill with the desired filling. And there are many!
(This is a Pillsbury recipe)

On a random note: check out gourmetmomonthego's giveaway. Isn't it just the cutest necklace you ever saw?


Tea said...

Those sound really good!! :)

Let'sMakeADifference said...

Sounds easy and delicious! I ate my first crepe last night!!


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